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Jane regularly facilitates music workshops & community singing events in Guelph, Kitchener-Waterloo, and Toronto, Ontario. She is also available to provide sessions at your event or in your city if you have an interested group. Please email for booking details!

* In-person workshops are gradually resuming. Some workshops are being offered via Zoom. Visit www.all-together-now.ca or www.vocalmeditation.com for details.

If you are interested in joining a fun "choir," women's singing group, or learning how to sing harmony by ear, please visit All Together Now for upcoming workshop dates & details. Also check out the annual Women's Music Weekend retreat.

Vocal Meditation is a workshop in which you will be gently guided through singing, chanting, and sounding exercises. It is "a way in to the present moment using the voice." The practice of deep listening is encouraged, as is exploring the voice beyond what we normally think of as "singing."

Jane creates a safe environment where you can participate at your own comfort level. Sessions can be both calming and energizing! This group has been offered both live and on Zoom. Visit www.vocalmeditation.com for details and schedule.

Circle Music is a form of collaborative music making that fosters community building & connection, creative expression, and fun. You will be guided to sing, move, and play. ALL voices are welcome, no matter what level of musical experience you have (or don't have). Those who wish will also have opportunities to improvise. It's powerful fun!

This workshop is inspired by Circle Singing (as developed by Bobby McFerrin), Rhiannon's Vocal River practice, and the body percussion/rhythm practices of the Música do Círculo collective in Brazil. Jane & Joni NehRita are offering CircleMusic groups in Guelph, Kitchener-Waterloo, and Toronto. Visit All Together Now for more info, dates & details.

Jane's folk duo Gathering Sparks previously hosted a monthly Singalong Soiree at the Café Creperie in Elora and at the Tranzac Club in Toronto. *On hiatus.